Tim Santoro is the founder of MASQUESFUNHOUSE. He sets the stage for one hell of a theatrical show! The band has been performing with a stage show complete with Backdrops, bright flashes, and electronic explosions since 1989. A lot of bands have followed but Masquesfunhouse is still here! He is the lead and rhythm guitarist, He also can play bass and sing back-ups. Tim also writes music and lyrics. He is a very talented airbrush artist and a professional award winning model builder. Favorite cartoon : Scooby Doo!! ( no scrappy, he sucks!) Spiderman is also #1. Toy stores are his downfall, He can't pass one without stopping!!! As you can tell amusement parks are his home away from home, and Funhouse's kick ass!! They bring the funhouse to you live!!! Well as not to bore you, Rock is in his blood and he will continue to write this style forever! Thanks for stopping by!!
